Corel Professional Photos 220: Cowboys
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COREL.PCD=Corel Professional Photos
220000.PCD=Cowboy heading to work
220001.PCD=Cowboys trailering horses in to remote summer range
220002.PCD=Calves on summer range
220003.PCD=Packing in salt and minerals to high country
220004.PCD=Rigging salt and minerals on packhorse
220005.PCD=Cowboy preparing to mount horse with packhorse in tow
220006.PCD=Cowboy filling bin with minerals for cattle on summer range
220007.PCD=Cowboys checking cattle for infections
220008.PCD=Cowboys rounding-up yearlings for injection of antibiotics
220009.PCD=Cowboy checking herd on summer range
220010.PCD=Cowboys injecting yearlings with antibiotics
220011.PCD=Cowboy checking herd
220012.PCD=Cowboy riding fence on summer range
220013.PCD=Cowboy checking herd with border collie
220014.PCD=Cowboy taking a break
220015.PCD=Yearlings on salt block
220016.PCD=Cowboy catching a horse for the day's work
220017.PCD=Cowboy checking horses in corral
220018.PCD=Cowboy moving cattle to new field
220019.PCD=Cowboy chasing calf
220020.PCD=Cowboys roping calf
220021.PCD=Cowboys doctoring sick calf
220022.PCD=Cowboy preparing to inject sick calf
220023.PCD=Cowboy injecting calf
220024.PCD=Cowboys checking calves for potential disease
220025.PCD=Cowboy fixing fence
220026.PCD=Cowboy riding fence
220027.PCD=Cowboys taking a break
220028.PCD=Cowboys admiring view of coulee
220029.PCD=Cowboys moving cattle to new field
220030.PCD=Cowboys moving cattle to new field
220031.PCD=Cowboys moving cattle to new field
220032.PCD=Cowboy breaking colt
220033.PCD=Cowboy leading horse out of corral
220034.PCD=Cowboys enjoying break at sunset
220035.PCD=Cowboy relating to his favorite horse
220036.PCD=Horse and dog taking a water break
220037.PCD=Cowboys checking-out prize bull
220038.PCD=Cowboys roping calf for branding
220039.PCD=Cowboy holding tension on roped calf
220040.PCD=Cowboy preparing rope for next calf in branding corral
220041.PCD=Cowboys branding calf
220042.PCD=Cowboys heating branding irons in fire
220043.PCD=Cowboys branding calf
220044.PCD=Cowboys branding calf
220045.PCD=Cowboys roping calf in branding corral
220046.PCD=Cowboys roping calf in branding corral
220047.PCD=Newly branded calf rejoins his mother
220048.PCD=Cowboys prepare calves for inoculations during branding
220049.PCD=Bulls asserting themselves in branding corral
220050.PCD=Cowboys loading yearlings into truck for winter feedlot
220051.PCD=Cowboy rounding up horses for the day's work
220052.PCD=Cowboy showing off the latest in mustache fashion
220053.PCD=Cowboy preparing rope for action
220054.PCD=Moving herd to winter range
220055.PCD=Cowboy weaning calves in corral
220056.PCD=Horseshoes on blacksmith's anvil
220057.PCD=Blacksmith preparing shoe for customer in background
220058.PCD=Blacksmith heating shoe for shaping
220059.PCD=Cowboy selecting horse for the day's work
220060.PCD=Cowboy preparing to mount
220061.PCD=Cowboy placing Winchester rifle in saddle scabbard
220062.PCD=Cowboy making sure packhorse is properly rigged
220063.PCD=Cowboys with pack horses heading into the high country
220064.PCD=Cowboys looking for a safe crossing point
220065.PCD=Cowboys crossing stream with supplies in tow
220066.PCD=Cowboys crossing stream with supplies in tow
220067.PCD=Cowboy preparing for a wet day on the range
220068.PCD=Cowboy bringing a herd in during fall round-up
220069.PCD=Abandoned ranch under "chinook arch" cloud formation
220070.PCD=Cowboy checking herd during fall round-up
220071.PCD=Cowboys checking strategy before beginning to wean calves
220072.PCD=Cowboy relaxing after a long day of weaning calves
220073.PCD=Cowboys discussing progress of the day's weaning
220074.PCD=Steer portrait at sunset
220075.PCD=Cowboy preparing to cut out calf from the herd
220076.PCD=Cowboy cutting cow out of weaning corral
220077.PCD=Cowboy demonstrating fine form in cutting calf from herd
220078.PCD=Rodeo championship belt-buckle coveted by all cowboys
220079.PCD=Long-horn skull displayed in traditional western manner
220080.PCD=Barn kitten taking some sun on saddle
220081.PCD=Cowboy's rope and leather chaps worn to protect legs
220082.PCD=Cowboy's decorative, silver bit on fence
220083.PCD=Cowboy's decorative silver bit in place
220084.PCD=Working cowboy boot with spur in stirrup
220085.PCD=Cowboy enjoying western sunset after a hard day's work
220086.PCD=Saddle bronc rider in fine form at Calgary Stampede
220087.PCD=Rider in the chute preparing for launch at Calgary Stampede
220088.PCD=Rider prepares in chute
220089.PCD=Saddle bronc rider demonstrating winning form in Calgary
220090.PCD=Saddle bronc rider abandoning ship at Calgary Stampede
220091.PCD=Bull rider with rodeo clowns at Calgary Stampede
220092.PCD=Bull rider with rodeo clowns at Calgary Stampede
220093.PCD=Pick up man using rope to herd bull out of ring
220094.PCD=Cowboy stretching his legs after a long ride checking fence
220095.PCD=Cowboy turning cattle back onto the trail
220096.PCD=Cowboy giving horse a run during round-up
220097.PCD=Cowboy moving cattle to winter feeder
220098.PCD=Cedar rail, "snake fence"
220099.PCD=Sage brush and cedar rail fence